The jacket of the music album of Stelliform was provided with the work of arha

I offered ” TOKYO-Corridor ” to a jacket of album ” The Room Had Filled With Light ” of musician ” Stelliform ” of Canada (2012/05) .The image of the minimal and visionary view of the world of Stelliform and TOKYO-Corridor is resonating splendidly.His album can be heard in bandcamp.

カナダのミュージシャン [ Stelliform ] のアルバム [ The Room Had Filled With Light ] のジャケットに [ TOKYO-Corridor ] を提供しました(2012/05)。Stelliform のミニマルで幻想的な世界観とTOKYO-Corridorのイメージは見事に共鳴しています。オンライン上で彼のアルバムを聴くことができます。

The Room Had Filled With Light – Stelliform
